4 Reasons Why Hire Up Staffing Deserves Your Vote – 2013 Fresno Bee's People's Choice Awards
By hire-up-staffing in News and UpdatesThis year Hire Up Staffing is in the running for Fresno Bee’s People’s Choice awards under the category of Best Employment Agency! We have been working extra hard in 2013 to make sure we are the best at what we do. Here are a few reasons why we deserve your vote for the best staffing agency in Fresno…
1. The Hire Up team is in what we call “the people industry”. We work are working FOR the people of Fresno and we LOVE IT! We care immensely about our clients and staff and want everyone we come across to succeed! Our main focus is FINDING GOOD PEOPLE JOBS AND HELPING OUR CLIENTS BUILD GREAT TEAMS.
2. Unlike other local agencies, we offer an abundance of resources to make sure our employees achieve their career goals. Our website is full of helpful stats, facts, and tips that encourage further learning. We also offer a program called “The Wellness Program” that inspires our employees to live a healthy lifestyle, increasing and improving productivity as well as overall wellbeing!
3. Hire Up is part of the community! Our favorite thing besides the close working relationships we establish with our clients and employees is charity work. Everyone at Hire Up gets involved in a different charity event every month. We have been excited to work with some of the larger events such as The Saint Agnes Women’s Club Diaper Drive and currently the MDA Toy Drive. Giving back to the community is a passion that we share as a team and encourage our clients and employees to get involved.
4. Our Team of highly skilled individuals within Finance/Accounting, Agriculture, Food Processing, Manufacturing, Medical and various other industries has placed thousands of experienced employees in the perfect positions over the years. Another bonus is that we have an on-staff attorney, Steven R. Hrdlicka, who can prepare any fee contracts that may be required for your company.
Those of you who have worked with us you may already know that we very dedicated to what we do and love to help! For those of you who we haven’t had the pleasure of working with yet, this is a brief description of what we do and hope it sparks interest interest in our company, as well as gains your vote!
Please show your support for a great local company, Hire Up Staffing by clicking here to vote!
Follow these simple steps shown above http://ops.fresnobee.com/pca2014/