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Self-Funded Health Plans???

Current shifts in the insurance industry show an increasing amount of companies switching from fully insured plans, to self-funded health plans. Fully funded insurance plans contract a third party insurance provider to cover both employees and their de…

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Background checks – Are you doing them??

That question is brought up more often than you know and the answer is ‘what you do for one, you must do for all’. There is no right or wrong to run background checks on potential employees or even to do drug screens, but it’s a good practice to have i…

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Mixed news about local job market

While we have seen many positive notes with the local job market, overall we still have a mixed bag of news. Operational positions with manufacturing related groups have continued in a positive trend for 4 consecutive months. Overall, more than a third…

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Hire Up Staffing Services' Holiday Party

On December twenty-second Hire Up Staffing Services had its first annual holiday party. Held in Downtown Fresno, the festivities were enjoyed by all. Everyone had fun during a game of Secret Santa Search in which tiny chocolate Santas were hidden aroun…

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Hire Up's First Client Appreciation Football Kickoff Party

[one_half][/one_half] [one_half_last][/one_half_last] In appreciation of all our great client the Hire Up team hosted a football kickoff party at World Sports Cafe to mark the first NFL game of the football season. Clients from all over the Central Val…

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