Meet Sawyer Celentano, Recruiter for the Fresno office of Hire Up Staffing Services. When Sawyer joined the Hire Up family in May of 2019 she was determined to meet her goal of helping others find the perfect job match that they would truly enjoy. With prior experience in outreach sales and a degree in Communications, she excels in great customer service, strong sales skills, sharp speaking skills, and a continuous drive. She works daily to help her candidates find their next career opportunity, and her clients to find their ideal employee; ranging from front office coordinators to controllers and anything in between!
Sawyer prefers to stick to a strict schedule, so if it is Monday night don’t bother her, she is watching the bachelor. Tuesday through Friday she is free to try new athletic classes; from Pilates to yoga, Sawyer is always on the hunt for a good workout. She also loves to travel as often as life allows. A couple of her favorite places she has been able to see yet include Edinburgh, Scotland and London. She is ecstatic for her planned trip to Dublin, Ireland next year!
Sawyer was born and raised here in the Central Valley. With her transition from a small town to a city, she has various understanding of what companies in the Valley are looking for. She enjoys connecting with her clients as often as she can but holds a true passion for the candidate side of recruiting. She is excited to be apart of her candidates career search, excited to see them excited!