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Here’s How to Make It Easier for Others to Promote You

By hire-up-staffing in HRUpdates


Nearly everybody wants a promotion, but the fact is not everyone would do what is actually needed in order to achieve such a status. Yes, there are definite perks like more money coming in, but remember that with a higher pay grade and an upgrade in the job description comes much greater responsibility.

Before any of that can happen, however, people must possess the desire to get that promotion andmake it a reality. It’s fine to entertain the thought, but there has to be action and not just wishful thinking. You can’t wait for lightning to strike, so here are a few tips to make you a better employee. In turn, these habits can give you career growth that hopefully your bosses will take notice of. You can even cite these as positive traits during evaluations.

Here are some tips to make it easier for others to promote you.

Always Be Positive

Remember to always have a positive attitude, as it affects not only yourself but those around you. People work anytime between 20-40 hours a week, sometimes more, so just imagine how many people you interact with on a daily basis! By creating a positive experience for yourself and the ones you encounter, people will naturally want to be around you and enjoy your company. It’s people like these who are more likely to receive promotions.

Be a Team Player

Management likes seeing employees prioritizing the company’s interest. In fact, one of the best ways to get ahead is to help raise others up with the goal of accomplishing what’s best for the company. It may seem counterintuitive, but this selfless act usually does not go unnoticed.

Learn and Be Teachable

It’s important to be humble. Even if you earned a Master’s Degree and you feel you know a lot, learning never stops in school. Make an effort to learn every day, especially at work. Understand and know more about whatever information is given to you, and use those pieces of information in your job – apply what you learn, and never be afraid to ask.

Take On More Responsibility

Part of a promotion usually means more work than what you’re currently assigned to. Often, it even

requires handling people. Management likes to see when employees are being proactive about their job, doing it not just to go through the motions but to actually contribute value by doing things better and doing more. We’re not saying you should work yourself to death, but rather take on responsibility when and where it makes sense.

Be Punctual

Don’t be one of those people who are perpetually late, those who scram immediately after 5 o’clock, or both. Being proactive means showing commitment. It doesn’t matter if what you simply do is arrive 5 minutes before 9 AM and leave 5 minutes after 5 PM – what matters is your bosses know you’re always there during your assigned work hours, doing your job and doing it well.

Work Smart and Hard

There’s a phrase going around that says “Work smarter, not harder.” The thing is, you should do both. Nothing substitutes hard work, as it will get you noticed and can help you get that promotion you’ve been eyeing. Want to advance your career? We are here to help you land a job in the Fresno area, whether on a temporary or more permanent basis. Contact us now! (559)579-1331