It’s Never Too Late for a New Career: Job Hunt Tips for the Older Generation
By hire-up-staffing in Industry Resources
Looking for a new job is tough, and sometimes it’s even tougher as you get older – people 50 years and above usually say that searching for a new career is especially challenging. However, it is not impossible – there are a lot of ways for the older generation to find a new job and a healthy career choice. Whether you are switching jobs or coming back into the working world, here are some job hunt tips for the older generation:
Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
It’s time to polish and beef up your LinkedIn profile, that is, if you don’t already have one. It’s not just an online presence – these days it is actually highly comparable to your resume. As such, information should be as recent as possible, and so should your photo. Don’t use one that’s already from 10 years ago or longer. Instead, find one that’s recent but professional.
Consider and Be Prepared for the “Overqualified” Question
Younger and less experienced employees may not hesitate accepting a salary that is far from what you have been earning in your last (or current) position. If you’re okay with making less for a position in management that’s less prominent, let the interviewer know. Inform them you want to focus on work you enjoy and improve your skills – explain why, and how the company would profit should they hire you. Other than salary, you may also negotiate things like parking allowance, flexible work arrangements, extra vacation days, transportation passes, or even tuition reimbursement, among others.
Practice Mock Interviews
In relation to the above point, try out your answers at some of the most common and expected interview questions. Practice helps you get better at something, and interviews are no exception. It doesn’t matter how many interviews you’ve gone through already – there is always a way to improve, and you will need that to be at your best if you want to be considered for whatever position you have your eye on.
Bring Your A Game and Energy Coming Into the Interview
Interviewers will closely assess your energy level and enthusiasm, regardless of your age. Instead of considering age as a major factor, focus on what you have been practicing in your mock interviews as well as your skillset – emphasize on what you can bring to the table and make the meeting as enjoyable as possible but still keeping things professional.
Don’t Rush Yourself
As far as updating your resume and answering interview questions, never rush yourself. Keep your focus on the interviewer, and make answers well thought. Think in terms of what the company is looking for, considering giving solutions to their current challenges or issues. Remember that regardless of your age, a company is interviewing people to better their selves with your help. Listen closely to what questions are being asked, and give straight-to-the-point answers that won’t waste anyone’s time.
Do you need help in any of these? We at Hire Up Staffing are here and glad to help! Contact us to find the best job opportunities for you in the Fresno area: (559)579-1331