Social Media Luncheon and Back to School Drive!
Hire Up Staffing Services & Local community members unite to set up students for a year of success during their Supplies for Success Back to School Drive and Social Media Human Resources Luncheon.
Through the Fresno County Office Of Education, Hire Up Staffing Services was able to help address Central Valley students in need of school supplies and much needed donations.
Fresno, CA – The Foster Youth and Homeless Education Service of Fresno County Office of Education received boxes of much needed school supplies and gift cards collected by local community members from the first annual Hire Up Staffing Services Supplies for Success Back to School Drive, which was held July 1 through August 10. The drive was established to help ease the burden on families and teachers due to the current unemployment rates and education cuts. Numerous boxes of donated notebooks, pencils and other supplies were presented to the Pam Hancock, Services Coordinator for the Foster Youth and Homeless Education Service. Hire Up Staffing Services hosted a Social Media Human Resources Luncheon at Victoria Rose Restaurant, providing free admission and lunch to anyone who contributed supplies or donations toward their drive.
Uhuru Network, LLC and Paychex HR Solutions graciously donated their time to speak at the event on the topic of social media; how to use social media for personal branding and misuse of it in the workplace.
“We are thrilled that our clients and contacts in the business community came together and was able to collect many supplies for our schoolchildren,” said Rebecca Abell, President at Hire Up Staffing Services.
Melanie Stayner, Medical Division Director at Hire Up Staffing Services said “In these tough economic times, it’s heartening to see so many people contribute to ensure the success of future generations.”
Rebecca Abell said “We relied solely on the efforts of volunteers and donations; we were fortunate to have participants from various local organizations and made very generous contributions with the understanding that the students of today are the employees of our future.”
Picture of Pam Hancock and her team receiving the donations with Hire Up:
This was the flyer for the event: