Treating Every Moment Like a Job Interview: How to Get Possible Work the Untraditional Route
By hire-up-staffing in Industry Resources
Ever heard of the saying, “It’s not just what you know but also who you know.”? This is highly applicable nowadays, especially in an economy where jobs aren’t as stable as they used to be. While most of us think a “job search” is essentially a series of (usually daunting) tasks like polishing your resume and going through job boards or newspaper ads, it also sometimes boils down to successful networking.
Think about it – whether you’re at home, at work, out with friends, or walking around in the neighborhood, there are always people around you. These people can help you get the career you want, even if you don’t realize it at the moment. The people you are friendly to, they can eventually be great character references, even if you’re not necessarily close or you haven’t really announced that you’re looking for a job. Or, in some bizarre twist of fate, a person you literally bumped into at the train station and exchanged a few words with turns out to be your future potential boss. In other words, treat every moment like it’s part of your job interview.
The point here is that while yes, scouring want ads for open positions and updating your curriculum vitae to make it all impressive could only get you so far. At the end of the day, your people skills will win you your job. Whether it’s a temporary position you might be filling in or a more permanent one, or whether it’s on our own or through a staffing agency, and whether it’s for a company that’s multinational or purely local, make sure you handle yourself well around everybody.
In general, there are three main tips to remember: be mindful of your words and actions, be respectful of yourself and others, and always beprepared.
It doesn’t matter if it’s online or in person – one should always be mindful of their actions. Make a good impression regardless if they can see you or not. Watch how you project yourself in social media, because while everyone will get both positive and negative reactions, you have to make sure there are more good things to say about you than bad.
Today, respect is a rare commodity. Common courtesy isn’t all that common, so all those “pleases” and “thank yous” you give out are gold. Not only do they show that you have respect and culture, but it also shows that you value a person and their time spent on you.
Of course, it’s a little strange to keep thinking of work no matter what situation you’re in. However, it pays to be prepared. Whenever you have that opportunity to leave an impression especially around strangers, you better make it a good one.