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Don't Miss Hire Up's March Mixer for Human Resources!
Don’t miss out on our first annual March Mixer for HR at Fugazzi’s in Visalia! Mingle with the best of the them. Invite a friend or a colleague and enjoy social hour on us.
Continue ReadingCongratulations Andrea of Visalia – February's EOTM!
We would like to recognize Andrea – AP Freight Processing Clerk, as the February Hire Up Employee of the Month for the entire Visalia area! This title is given to the employees who go above and beyond in their position and truly shine. Here’s what her…
Continue ReadingCongratulations Lena of Hire Up Staffing – February's Internal EOTM!
L to R: co-worker our Recruiting Manager, Ashley, EOTM Lena, Branch Manager, Leah This is a very special feature, as we are selecting an employee of the month from our internal team…
Continue ReadingCongratulations Alex of Fresno – February's EOTM & CASA Client of the Month!
We would like to recognize Alex – Administrative Assistant, as the February Hire Up Employee of the Month for the entire Fresno area! This title is given to the employees who go above and beyond in their position and truly shine. Here’s what her superv…
Continue ReadingUnderstanding New Drug and Alcohol Policy Updates
Download Hire Up Staffing’s most recently updated drug and alcohol policy!
Continue ReadingThanks For Participating in Our 12 Days of Giving
A special thanks goes out to all the people and companies who participated in our 12 Days of Giving campaign this year. We raised awareness for local charities and helped them get closer to their goals
Continue Reading12th Day of Giving – Sinclair
The 12th Day of Giving is finally here and has been a special day for all of us at Hire Up. We chose to support Sinclair in their drive for Valley Children’s Hospital. Their entire team is working hard to collect games and toys for all of the young patients staying at the hospital during Christmas. Valley Children’s Hospital has been a staple in the Central Valley
Continue Reading11th Day of Giving – FreshKO Produce
There are only 13 days until Christmas and that means just 2 days left in our 12 Days of Giving campaign! That makes today the 11th day and we chose to support FreshKO Produce in their drive to collect toys for Toys for Tots
Continue Reading10th Day of Giving – Family Healthcare Network
Did you hear? Christmas is almost here and we’re helping others spread the cheer! We’ve selected 12 different companies who are doing great things for others this holiday season.
Continue Reading9th Day of Giving – Donaghy Sales
It’s the 9th Day of our Hire Up Staffing 12 Days of Giving! Today we chose to support Donaghy Sales here in Fresno in their Toy Drive for Toys for Tots.
Continue ReadingSound good so far? Select the branch nearest you to schedule your FREE consultation now!