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Understanding Your Company’s Cultural Fit
On average, human beings will spend approximately one-third of their lives at work. Because of this, it should come as no surprise that work feeds into many other aspects of our lives, influencing self identity, self esteem, and opportunities for personal growth. In recent history, it has become increasingly more apparent that choosing where to work is about much more than simply making money; cultural fit is also a huge deciding factor for today’s workforce.
Continue ReadingHow To Use Linked In To Find A New Job
So you’ve decided you want to use LinkedIn to find your new job, but how do make that happen? Last week you learned about how people are using the site to expose themselves to potential employers and new opportunities, but now it’s time to figure out exactly what you need to do in order to make the site work for you.
Continue ReadingCongrats Katarina – Hire Up Employee Of The Month For January!!
Congratulations Katarina! You did an outstanding job during the month of January and we wanted to tell you that you are AMAZING! We appreciate all you do! The Employee of the Month at Hire Up Staffing – Central Valley, is selected by management and is…
Continue ReadingTemp Employment Is Taking Over
Since the recession in 2008, the industry that has added the most jobs in the U.S. is temporary help services. Out of the 5.7 million new jobs added, 15% of all job growth nationally is due to the hiring of temp workers. In larger cities, a much higher percentage of job growth can be credited to the temp sector.
Continue ReadingMake Your Employer Love You!
Did you recently obtain a great job that you want to make sure you keep? Have you been at your current job for a while and want to enjoy it more? Whatever your current employment situation is, we have come up with six helpful tips that will Make Your Employer Love You and help you to love your job more!
Continue ReadingCongrats Monica – Hire Up Employee Of The Month For February!!
Congratulations Monica! You did an outstanding job during the month of February and we wanted to tell you that you are AMAZING! We appreciate all you do! The Employee of the Month at Hire Up Staffing – Central Valley, is selected by management and is t…
Continue ReadingInvest In Employee Wellness & Save Money!
As employers, we have all been victim to rising health care expenditures. Due to the amount being spent, there is increasing interest in workplace-based health promotion and disease prevention as a means of improving health while lowering costs. As mentioned in the article “Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings”, a central component of the Healthcare Reform as highlighted by President Obama is DISEASE PREVENTION.
Continue ReadingChoosing the Right Agency
At Hire Up Staffing Services we do the utmost that we can for you and Yelp agrees! We were graciously chosen as number one in 2017 as “The Best 10 employment Agencies” in Fresno California. We’re not just tooting our own horns because Yelp says so, b…
Continue ReadingHow Much Can A Bad Hire Cost You?
How much can a bad hire cost you? A survey from EMSI and CareerBuilder has found that it can be as much as $50,000. Have we got your attention yet? Without a thorough recruitment process to screen out the “bad apples,” a bad hire can cost your business more than you know.
Continue ReadingIs Your Resume a “10”?
Everything that we have learned until now about resumes may be false. Experts in the field of recruiting, just like us, have done their research and found the truth about what can make or break a resume. On a scale of 1 to very important, we have found that Work Experience, Skills, and Presentation far exceed Education/Training, Sense of Personality, and Extra-Curriculars. While all of those things are very important, studies show that employers seem to be drawn to specific areas on a resume first before all else.
Continue ReadingSound good so far? Select the branch nearest you to schedule your FREE consultation now!