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Over The Edge
Send Hire Up Over The Edge! When: June 16, 2012 Where: Pacific Southwest Building We are proud to support Over the Edge in Downtown Fresno, an exciting event organized by the Downtown Fresno Partnership that raises awareness for the revitalization of D…
Continue ReadingTeaming up with Local Nonprofit Organizations to support a worthy cause
This past month has been a very busy month for our team! We participated in the Saint Agnes Women’s Club Diaper & Dollars Drive.
Continue ReadingEMR (Electronic Medical Records) Incentives, Deadlines & Regulations
As a part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery act of 2009 federal stimulus money is available to physicians who adopt an electronic medical records system.
Continue ReadingDiapers or Dollars – Contest and Fundraiser
Please support The Saint Agnes Woman’s Club Diaper Drive! Our Goal: To collect 30,000 diapers and $30,000 by May 29th to support the Holy Cross Center for woman in downtown Fresno!
Continue ReadingInterviewing Hints
Introduction You always need to “take temperatures” because people have minds and they’re changing them constantly. You need to listen to what they don’t say. Being prepared for an interview is vital; the following preparation is very unique and effect…
Continue ReadingCandidate Prep Questions
( Remember, some and probably not ALL of these questions will need to be asked) What are the responsibilities of this position, and which are the most important? What is the #1 priority for this position What would be my first project? What obst…
Continue ReadingHow to Answer the Four Most Common Interview Questions
“Not a professional interviewer…what steps will we be taking today…?” When asked, “Tell me about yourself.” (spend 2-3 minutes) Background, Education, etc… Ask employer, “From your perspective, what do you require for a (position title) to do? As…
Continue ReadingWhy Temporary Work is a Great Opportunity
Recently, we have received an influx of temporary job orders from our clients. In presenting these positions to many of our job seekers who religiously call week in and week out with their availability, they are declining the “opportunity”. Often times…
Continue ReadingFresno Leading the State for Mobile Phone Web Use
I just read an interesting article on the Business Journal website. It states that Fresno is leading the State with mobile phone web use. Statistics show that an estimated 78.2% of residents in Fresno are “advanced data” mobile phone users as compared…
Continue ReadingInterviewing: The Do’s and the Don’ts of the Job Search Process
As the Office Manager for Hire Up Staffing, I have seen a lot of candidates come in to our office over the years applying for work. The objective for all is to get a job. The impression that they make while attempting to do that varies greatly. I have…
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