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Fear of Public Speaking? Here Are 10 Steps That Will Help You Deliver a Great Speech

Does anyone know the most common fear in adults between the ages of 18 & 50? I will give you a couple clues; it makes your voice shake, your palms sweaty, your heart race, and sometimes even causes shortness of breath. It’s public speaking! Approximately 75% of adults in America have a fear of giving speeches. Now you know that you are far from alone, you can work on getting past this built up fear. The easy part about this is that the more you practice public speaking, the better you get. We have done some research to create a guide that will help you beat your panic attacks and deliver the speech of the year!

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Congrats Bahar – Hire Up Employee Of The Month For May!!

Congratulations Bahar! You did an outstanding job during the month of May and we wanted to tell you that you are AMAZING! We appreciate all you do! The Employee of the Month at Hire Up Staffing – Central Valley, is selected by management and is the rec…

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Is Your Company Competing for Top Job Candidates?

No matter how competitive the job market is today, employers will always have some level of competition for acquiring top candidates. A company must understand how to attract the best candidates for its position from among a smaller pool of applicants, as well as how to ensure that the hiring process and candidate strategy results in a successful hire. Here are some strategies from our executive recruiters for effectively competing for job candidates:

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7 Reasons You Should Work While In College

Many people believe that students shouldn’t work while in college, but it actually is beneficial in many ways. Here are 6 reasons why you should get a job while in school. When you are done reading this article, make sure to contact Hire Up Staffing to…

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Hire Up Helps Choose a Career That's Best For You!

There are very few people who dreamed of being a fireman or an astronaut at the age of five and actually became one later in life. Some people go to college for 4 plus years to earn a degree that they don’t have any interest in ever using in the work world. The truth is that dreams, goals, and interests change throughout life with age, experiences, and time. Hire Up Staffing understands that and wants to help you find the career that best suits you! Whether you’re trying to decide where to look for your first job or pondering a possible career change, here’s what you should consider when thinking through this important decision:

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5 Employee Orientation Mistakes Made By Employers

New employee orientation is your company’s best opportunity to set up a strong foundation for your new hire, building a solid relationship with their new position within the business. When an orientation goes well, the new employee feels a connection with the company and strives to accomplish their goals in order to ensure a strong, long term future there. Many employers set out with the best of intentions, but end up with a poor orientation by committing these 5 mistakes.

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4 Tips Every Boss Should Know On How To Have A Commanding Presence

If you are a leader in any capacity, it is your obligation to engender confidence from your team. Here are four quick tips for getting there fast:

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8 Things Your Interviewer Wished You Knew

It’s Important To Be Honest – One of the biggest turn offs to a hiring manager is to come across an area of the resume where the truth has been stretched or you misrepresent yourself. Don’t lie, we want to hire the real you!

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5 Reasons Your Small Business Should Support A Charity

Does your small business support a charity or non-profit group? As you grow your business and become more successful, you will have requests from different groups in your community for sponsorship, donations, participation in events or other ways of gi…

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Dress For The Job You Want – Part II

One of the first things that we all learn when entering the work world is to “dress professionally” when going on an interview. Last week in a Hire Up blog post, we discussed the importance of “dressing for success” in relation to women. Now, it is time to talk about MEN!

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