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Update Your Computer Skills & Get Hired

The world today seems to be entirely reliant on technology. Everyone is using gadgets, programs, and aps to effectively accomplish daily tasks at school, home, and work. Such tools make work faster and easier, but also keep people on their toes trying to staying current on how to operate them. A perfect example of this is technology in the work place. Almost all office jobs require at least basic to intermediate knowledge of the most current version of Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF Editor, or other text editing software.

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Water – A Quick & Simple Way To Lose Excess Fat For The Fitness Challenge

So you’re about to start your fitness challenge, that’s great news! Life only gets better when you eat right and exercise, so here’s to your health. I’m going to be here along the way, guiding you in the right direction. My number one tip on how to look and feel better and shed excess fat is going to blow you away, you need to drink more water.

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The Wellness Program With Health Coach Nick Deck

My name is Nick Deck and I am a Certified Health Coach. I am excited to be part of The Wellness Program at Hire Up Staffing. I help busy professionals feel the best they ever have with one on one coaching to help optimize their diet and lifestyle. This…

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Invest In Employee Wellness & Save Money!

As employers, we have all been victim to rising health care expenditures. Due to the amount being spent, there is increasing interest in workplace-based health promotion and disease prevention as a means of improving health while lowering costs. As mentioned in the article “Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings”, a central component of the Healthcare Reform as highlighted by President Obama is DISEASE PREVENTION.

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Unemployed and Loving It

  Unemployed and loving it? I think not! Most of the unemployed population can’t wait to find the right job. The bills need to be paid, and you need something more to do than sit around and watch TV all day right? While it may be nice to collect u…

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Lose Lots of Weight By Walking at Work

You may wonder how you could possibly lose lots of weight just by walking, but thousands of people are doing it every day. Your lunch break might not be long enough to hit the gym or take a class, but everyone has the opportunity to spend 20-30 minutes…

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How To Use Linked In To Find A New Job

So you’ve decided you want to use LinkedIn to find your new job, but how do make that happen? Last week you learned about how people are using the site to expose themselves to potential employers and new opportunities, but now it’s time to figure out exactly what you need to do in order to make the site work for you.

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Using LinkedIn As A Job Search Tool

Why would a prospective employer turn to LinkedIn when they are looking for a new hire? The reason tends to be quite simple, they can look through the site’s profiles looking for what’s referred to as a passive job candidate. Someone who stands out as exactly what they are searching for will often be approached by the company, rather than the job seeker applying for a job with hundreds or thousands of other applicants

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Free Educational Breakfast!

Join us on June 13th, 2013 for yet another Free Educational Breakfast. Learn all about the new updates to the HealthCare Reform!

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Top Candidates On Call!

We are here to assist you in making your next hire a perfect fit. Call Hire Up today to learn more about these excellent candidates! MEDICAL OFFICE MANAGER, STAFF ACCOUNTANT, LEGAL ASSISTANT, EXECUTIVE ADMIN ASSISTANT.

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